Friday, August 31, 2007

travel photography

Summer time is the perfect time for snap happy people, and for anyone heading to an exotic destination for a well deserved break. Tourists all over the world capture priceless memories forever and their top-quality images are then stored away never to be seen by anyone. Travel photography is a great hobby for any holiday goer, and with a few helpful tips you can bring home some great images that you can enjoy forever. If your images are better then normal you may be able to make some cash from them. The key to travel photography is to make your images appealing to a wider audience than normal. You want to capture the mood and culture of a new place. You need to be able to sell a holiday through a photo. Tips on what to photograph when travelling: Taking landscape images in a far-off land can be tricky. The light conditions may be very different from what you are used to. Exposure may also be very tricky to calculate. If you are in doubt, bracket your shots to ensure that you will get the perfect image. Travel photographers should start their day as the sun is rising. This is the best time to capture mood in a landscape image. Night time urban landscape pictures will always make an interesting shot when exposed correctly. Use a tripod to ensure that your image is sharp. Food shots can be very memorable, try to include the waiter or anything that you normally don’t see at home. The interior and the exterior of restaurants can also be photographed. Take pictures of local signs, buildings and famous landmarks. Be very careful with the position of the sun. Try taking images when the sun is to your side. This will cast long shadows along the front of the building. Use a polarising filter to cut out any glare from the glass in buildings. Photograph the people. Travel companies are always seeking interesting people images. Photograph people eating food - people working - children playing - local police, fire fighters and any other service people in the area. Make sure that they are doing something interesting. Visit local markets. This can make very interesting photography. Take plenty of images of the local stalls and the sellers. Take pictures of the different foods and anything else that you think may be unusual. Travel photography may also be an immense financial trip for the professional photographer. Photo publishers are always seeking new material and are always on the look out for new talent. When you return home with your images make a copy of each. Label each image with a brief caption. Its best to do this straight away when the holiday is fresh in your head. Any holiday goer with the ability to use their lens correctly has the potential to sell their images. All you need to know is what makes a good travel image. You don’t need to be a top class photographer to profit from taking pictures of far-off places.
Author Resource:- TJ Tierney is an award winning Irish Landscape and nature photographer. To find out more photography information you can visit the photography directory To view his images visit his on-line gallery of flower pictures

how to photography

Most people have embraced digital photography with enthusiasm. The lower cost of printing and storage is a big factor in the popularity of digital photography, especially for amateurs. With digital photography you don't have to pay for the printing of a snapshot that has turned out awful. You can view the shot as soon as you've taken it and if it's not up to scratch, delete it from the memory card with a simple click. If you want to wait and look at it on your computer or on the printout machine in the store, you can do that too. The low cost of taking a photo means that you can practice more and hone your skills without spending lots of money. The LCD window is there for checking the quality. You can take lots of photos before your memory card is full too. No counting to thirty or so photos and then having to change the film. What if you forgot to buy an extra one? You can easily miss that great snapshot just because your camera ran out of film. With a traditional film camera, you have to take the shot without knowing just how it will turn out. You send the film away to be developed and have to wait a week to get it back, depending on where you live. You have to pay for the whole film, no matter whether you've cut Uncle Joe's head off, or one of the kids decided to poke out their tongue just as you clicked. The storage capacity of your computer is almost unlimited. You don't have to have a cupboard full of photo albums (or cardboard boxes full of old photos) that you never get around to updating. It can all go on the computer, and then be copied to a CD-R to back it up or take it with you. With a digital photo, you can crop out that stranger's head or the rusty drum you didn't notice. You can change the color from cold to warm and do all sorts of other fancy stuff to improve that snapshot you want to keep but is not perfect. Another great thing about digital photography is the position. You can hold the camera at almost any angle to take a shot. With a traditional camera, you might have to lie on the ground to get the right focus for some difficult shots. And what happens if you've bought film suited for bright sun and it rains nearly all the time on your holiday? Wasted film equals wasted money. You can get distant shots and close up shots, shots on dull days or bright sunny days without changing the film or the setting if you use the auto feature. Of course, this doesn't mean that there is now no use for the traditional film. Many professional photographers need to keep using their expensive film cameras for the types of shots they need to take. But technology will soon catch up to them, too. Digital cameras don't last as long as traditional ones do, but they are a lot of fun for the amateur.
Author Resource:- Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas. You can get more information on how to photography here and take excellent pictures here: How To Photography

the digital photography consideration for you

By using digital photography, even the novice photographer has the capability to produce professional quality pictures at a fraction of the cost. Photography has been around for a long time, and people have always wanted their memories captured to last for generations. By using digital photography, the photography community has opened up the doors for photo sharing in every technological form if one has the right equipment. The first thing that a person must invest in when thinking of using digital photography is the right camera. In order to understand what constitutes the right camera for someone, a person must understand how exactly the digital camera works. A digital camera works is by using an electronic device to store and capture an image into binary data. In other words, the picture is turned into a form of information that can be understood by a computer's electronic brain. This allows the pictures to be uploaded onto a computer for the purpose of sharing. Conversion also allows the camera to automatically allow the user to see and or delete the image as necessary. Unlike film cameras, digital cameras have a unique capability to allow someone to get just the right shot. No more closed eyes or open mouths to deal with. When thinking of choosing a digital photography camera, a person must think about just how much information they will store. Will they be an avid photographer that takes a ton of pictures? Or will their digital photography experience be limited to just a few pictures every now and then to capture those extra special moments? The special units that house the pictures can range from holding a few pictures to many. The space used will depend on what type of camera will be used. A digital photography camera is a tricky choice for some. Many people are more concerned with price than they are with how much memory the camera will have. The cameras range in price from a hundred dollars all the way to thousands of dollars. Depending on what is needed, the choice can seem overwhelming. One photography site that can help determine just what is right is Shortcourses. This site helps the consumer decide from the four major types of cameras as to which one fits their lifestyle. Digital photography is a great way to capture the images of an individual that will be seen for generations to come. By using digital photography instead of regular film, those memories will be perfect the first time. The choices of cameras are endless, and with the help of the internet, a person can make sure and choose the right camera that best fits their lifestyle and price range.
Author Resource:- The art of digital photography brings great memories to anyone. Browse to Mike Selvon portal to find out more about digital photography choices. We greatly appreciate your feedback at our photography blog.
Article From Article Directory

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

How To Take Beautiful Portraits

Tips On How To Take Beautiful Portraits
The definition of a portrait is a formally posed picture. Outdoor portraits are often posed against relevant or beautiful backgrounds, and are known as "location portraits." Fine indoor portraits can easily be made by window light. Flash can be added to fill dark shadows in portraits, but if flash is used as the main light source, it should be off-camera and diffused by a bounce card for best results.Choose a fine-grain film for almost all formal portraits. Overexpose by about V2 f/stop to minimize skin flaws. Use at least an 80mm lens or zoom setting for closeups of heads, because shorter focal lengths tend to exaggerate the size of noses. 28mm or 35mm lenses or zoom settings work well for location portraits showing, say, a landscape in the background.The aim of most portraits is to capture a flattering likeness, plus show something of a personality on film. Some portraitists have a strong personal style while others are unobtrusive. The best way to relax anyone and get spontaneous expressions is to talk about whatever you can bring up that interests your subject. During the course of a session, there may come moments when silence is appropriate, but, in general, don't ever let people stiffen up and start worrying about their appearance in front of the camera. Talking is good; having music in the background is relaxing, too.Soft lighting works great for most portraits. A carefully angled reflector may be helpful to "fill" (lighten) the shadows on the dark side of a window light or outdoor portrait.With 35mm cameras, single portraits call for vertical compositions. Suggest and shoot several different poses - some with the subject's eyes looking into the lens, and some with the eyes looking slightly right or left.Everyone can be made to look interesting in a portrait. Do this by angling the subject so the existing or added lighting is flattering, and by keeping your finger on the shutter release so you can capture fleeting animated expressions.Some helpful tips: Pose a big person with his or her left shoulder turned away from the camera, but with the head facing the camera in order to create a slimming effect. If someone has a big nose, photograph him looking straight at you. If he has big ears, shoot a three-quarter profile view. Aiming slightly down on everyone except bald men is flattering.For someone who is truly a model type, photograph the person from all possible angles. Some of those pictures should be good for exhibit or your portfolio. Take plenty of pictures in any portrait session. Shots that were made near the end of a shoot are usually the best because, by then, both you and the subject are warmed up and relaxed. You will soon learn to sense when you have caught what you want in the camera.Whenever you are shooting formal portraits, it is best to mount your camera on a tripod. With a tripod, you can preselect and compose backgrounds in advance. A tripod also helps hold your focus, eliminates blur caused by camera shake in low light and windowlit situations, and frees you to concentrate on nuances of expression. In addition, using a tripod leaves you free during the shoot to talk to your subject(s) and put them at ease.
This free article is provided by the Free Information Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.

How To Take Family Pictures Professionally

How To Take Family Pictures Professionally
Everyone makes snapshots of family members and close friends, but the problem is making "real" photographs of them. Sometimes it's easy to make the transition to serious photography using your friends and family as models; sometimes it's not. Advantages are that they are close and frequently available, so you can photograph them over and over, and at least sometimes get them to reveal their personalities to the camera.Some disadvantages are that, at the beginning anyway, your family may not consider your photography important. You can win them over by giving them copies of your best pictures. Another problem is that family members become over-photographed and camera-shy. Don't press too hard for pictures.In addition, you must deal with people's feelings about how they look, which may or may not be realistic. For example, my sister, who was a good looking woman, complained that my pictures of her made her look like an old turtle. The problem, of course, was that she didn't like being old and had really nothing to do with the picture itself.The best way of photographing parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even family pets is to keep your camera close at hand. You must be persistent, and be just as polite to them as you would be to strangers. As with strangers, approach family members only when they are in a receptive mood. Then, clearly explain what you are trying to achieve, and why it may take several rolls of film to get there. When you are finished, make sure that you thank your "models" formally, of course. Show them their flattering pictures later, and give them prints or enlargements as thank-you gifts.Examples of great opportunities for family group pictures are at weddings, birthdays, graduations, name-giving ceremonies, showers, holidays, and family reunions. Try to scout out in advance the place you want people to gather. Place senior members of the family (or the bridal couple, the birthday boy, etc.) up front and center, filling the frame, with everyone else arranged as interestingly as possible. Check the viewfinder carefully to make sure that everyone is included. Ask everyone to look at the lens when you shoot. Take several pictures of any big group; you should do this quickly so people don't freeze up. If you use the flash, minimize hard shadows by posing people away from walls, and using a bounce card or dome over the flash head.For outdoor settings, choose a shaded location for group wedding and reunion pictures. Steps are great for posing a large family. Since almost everyone treasures family group photos, you should have no problem setting up these shots.If you mount your best family prints in a good album, over the years it will become a valued heirloom.
This free article is provided by the Free Information Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.

10 Advantages Of Using Digital Photography

10 Advantages Of Using Digital Photography
Digital cameras are everywhere. Store shelves are lined with them, and Sunday newspaper circulars are filled with advertisements for them. But why buy one? Well of course if you are perfectly and completely happy taking pictures with your film camera, then don't buy a digital camera. But remember, you have to finish the whole roll, bring the film to the processor, and wait for the prints to come back, just to find out everyone in the "once-in-a-lifetime picture" had their eyes closed. Let's also not forget that you have to pay for the processing and buy film. Oh, by the way, you had better buy a few extra rolls, some for indoors and some for outdoors.So what are the advantages of digital?1. No more film! That's right, you'll never need to buy film again. Using a digital camera means that you can take pictures without paying for film or wondering which type of film to buy.2. If you are careful with your storage, you will also never run out of film. The PCMCIA storage cards, which slip into the side of your camera, can hold up to 80 images. With a few of these in your camera bag, you can go on taking pictures for days. There's nothing like that special feeling you get when you run out of film while on vacation!)3. No more processing costs. No matter how you get your film processed, itgets to be expensive. You can't get around paying for processing unless you aretaking digital photos, and you'll never have to decide about matte or glossyprints again.4. You get to see your pictures immediately. Digital photography enables you to see your photos instantly; no more waiting for your film to return from the lab. Many cameras have LCD preview screens, so you can see the image instantly, or you can download your images to your computer as soon as you take them.5. You can instantly re-shoot your pictures. If somebody walked into your carefully composed shot or if the baby's eyes were closed when the shutter snapped, you'll know it immediately. You can simply retake the image. (On the flip side, you can also preview all the poses you just took and delete the ones you don't like.)6. You have more control. If you couldn't get close enough to your subject or the camera wasn't level when you took the picture, have no fear - you can fix it! You can easily crop or rotate your picture; remove spots; fix color; and lighten, darken, blur, or sharpen your images. With a little skill, you can even add people into the family photo even though they were not t here. Try that with a drugstore print!7. Get out of that dark room! For those of you who spent hours splashing about in your darkroom to produce only a few prints, you are free. You can set up your computer in the light of day and image edit all you want. Just imagine - you can be social and manipulate images at the same time. You can see and be seen by your family and friends. If you have special talents, you can even work on your computer and watch the football game simultaneously!8. Everyone can see it. With the advent of email and modems, you can easily send a photo of a newborn to distant relatives or post it on your Web site. You no longer need to take the time or spend the cash to make multiple copies of an image and distribute them.9. It will last forever. Negatives and prints fade. They are subject to ultraviolet light, humidity and grubby fingers. Digital images, however, will last forever if carefully stored. And if your printout of the image gets damaged or you want to make a duplicate, all you need to do is pull up the file and reprint it. Your only cost is a sheet of paper.10. Digital photography is environmentally sound. There are no processing chemicals to wash down our sewers, and the massive amounts of water and electricity used to process film are no longer needed. Plus, you won't need to worry about recycling those little plastic film containers.
This free article is provided by the Free Information Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

national day celebration

the group of performance capture with ths nice look photo taking the end of celebration 0f 42nd national day dinner at the braddell heignt's,thank for all helper and good perform.

national day celebration

braddell height's celebration 42nd national day celebration on 4 Aug 2007,i am the person to incharge for this even to be the official photographer,i like the Nikon camera and lens,they give me a good photo turn out,i like it,how about you.

national day celebration

what will you thing about this photo,i can cupture this image using the same Nikon 70S camera with 18-200mm lens,thisis the good lens for event photo shots,i am used the number of time,please give me some comment.

national day celebration

the 2nd shot with the performance,celebration for 42nd national day dinner,at the braddell height's,i am using the same Nikon camera fot this image.

national day celebration

during the national day celebration i am the official photography to incharge this even,i am using the Nikon camrea with 18-200mm lens to get this image ,the person jump up at the stage,
any comment,please let me know.

singapore river

i am capture this photo during evening time,i having the rest for the other assignment ,i am using the nikon camera to have this image.

braddell height"s celebration 42nd national day dinner on 4 aug 2007,i am using the Nikon 70S camerawith 18-200mm lens to capture this image,what will you thing,can give me some comment,thank you.