Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Basics of Selling Prints Online

People who don't want to take traditional photographs often decide to instead take art shots. These images are very artistic and quite fulfilling for the photographer to take. Most assume that art photography is only a hobby, and for some, it probably is best for it to be just a hobby. But you can make a lot of money when you sell prints online. In this article, we'll be going over the very basics of selling art prints online - you'll learn why to sell art prints online and tips for how to do it best. Should I Sell Art Prints Online? The answer to this is an unquestionable yes! You should sell prints online. But it's not enough for us to just tell you to sell prints online, so we'll tell you the reasons for doing it. Reason #1: In Demand Those who are looking for art prints used to find them by going to galleries or other places. Nowadays, they go online. They'll go to stock art print websites and browse through the many listings of photos. For them, it's a highly convenient way of finding the prints they need for their magazines, books, articles etc. Because of how well-used the internet is, and because of the demand for art prints, prints are quite in demand on the internet. Reason #2: Exposure When you put something online, you are exposing it to millions of people. These people can then choose to ignore what you've put up, or they can take an interest in it. Online stock photography sites are frequented by people who are looking for good stock photography, including art prints. By choosing to sell prints online, you're opening your products up to a huge base of people - people who may just buy the prints, if they're impressed by them. This is the kind of exposure you could get on the TV or in newspapers, but instead of paying for advertising, all you need to do is get your art prints online on a reputable stock photography site. Reason #3: Convenience Going through the process of submitting art prints to regular stock photography companies can be a bit tiresome - not to mention, time-consuming. What happens if the prints are reject? Then you've wasted your time. Wasted time translates to lost money. You don't want to do that, particularly if you're trying to make a living as a photographer. If you sell art prints online, you'll go through a very quick submission process that doesn't take up a lot of time. Reason #4: More Money Online stock photography web sites tend to offer the best profits to those who sell their photos there. That's because of the competitiveness of the stock photography market. You literally cannot be cheated by an online web site when it comes to the amount of money you make from each purchase made by customers. You'll make more money than you would by using conventional methods. This is a great reason for why to sell art prints online. Tips to Sell Art Prints Online 1. Unique Art Prints Sell. Those who are using art photos for their books and magazines want something that is unique. They don't want something that can basically be found in a hundred other places. When you take art photos, make sure they are original and are not like any other photos. That way, you'll be able to successfully sell art prints online because they are unique and people will want to buy them. 2. Quality. A huge mistake among photographers who have just begun to sell art prints online is that their photos aren't of a high quality. We're not talking artistically, but rather resolution-wise. Photographers take art photos with a lower end camera and it shows in the photo. People who use these images for books demand a high quality image. You must deliver by using a good quality camera to take your images. 3. Directions. To make the photo submission process easy, most stock photography web sites have submission guidelines. If the guidelines aren't followed, photos won't be accepted, no matter how good they are. A very important thing for those who wish to sell art prints online to do is to simply follow the directions. This will make it much more likely that your photos get posted and earn you money. If you follow the above tips, you should have no trouble at all in becoming successful when you sell art prints online. Good luck!
Author Resource:- Ron McNeil promotes software to sell photos online and to start your own site to sell art prints online and run your own stock photography software site powered by Web Scribble software located at
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