Friday, April 4, 2008

Digital Photography-What 10 things can i do to improve?

Lets start with the basics; in order to learn how to photograph well, you need to understand the 10 most fundamental aspects of digital photography. By keeping these basic tips in mind when embarking on your journey through digital photography, you are well on your way to improving your technique and the quality of the photographs you take. At the very least, by learning these tips, you will be in a better position to understand the reasons behind certain other techniques of the craft.

Digital photography has revolutionized the way photographs are taken, processed, viewed and distributed. The convenience of it far outweighs any advantages afforded by the traditional 110 camera and film photography. The tips in this article will ensure you are making the best use of the myriad of assets available to you in the world of digital photography.

To start off with, always try to have the subject of your photo centered in your viewfinder. This will ensure that you place adequate emphasis on your subject and the viewer’s eyes will be drawn to it. If you cultivate this habit, you will discipline yourself into always taking the time to position your subject and draw attention to it. As you progress, you will learn that how you position your subject can go a long way into creating the perfect picture.

Do your best to avoid elements which take the attention away from the subject. Taking a picture of your dog with kids running into or out of the frame, or taking a picture of a sculpture with other photographers in the foreground, taking pictures of the same sculpture. These distractions will greatly diminish your ability to draw attention to the subject you have chosen to photograph.

You may already be aware that when choosing a digital camera, most vendors will list the resolution of the camera in terms of megapixels. When taking pictures, always select the highest resolution possible. This will allow for you to have the most amount of data to work with during the processing phase. The lower resolution pictures have less data and the results obtained during the processing phase may be of a much lower quality.

Make sure you get close to your subject. In other words, fill up the frame of your camera. This is another good way to draw the viewer’s attention to the subject. When the subject fills the frame, any distracting elements will most likely be eliminated and leaves the viewer with no doubts as to what your subject is. Either walk closer to your subject or use the zoom feature present in many of today’s digital cameras to maximize the use of the entire frame. The zoom feature is great for taking pictures where you need to be at a distance (either to be safe or because of the location) from the subject, but want your picture to appear as if you were nearby.

When taking pictures of people while using a flash, make sure to select the red eye reduction feature. This feature is again found in most of today’s digital cameras. It diminishes or completely eliminates the appearance of red, monster-like eyes in people when using flash photography. This phenomenon occurs when the light of the flash is reflected by the human eyes. The red eye reduction feature activates the flash in such a way that the human eyes are rendered less reflective. They teach a lot of this type of thing in photography schools which is another way to improve. Here’s an article on online photography schools.

Whenever possible, strive to frame photographs from a unique angle. Have you noticed how eye-catching some photographs are? It is more likely that these photographs will have been taken from a unique angle. It can be a sharp angle looking down at the subject or looking up from a lower position. Consider the mood you are trying to evoke in your viewers. If you want something to appear larger, go for a low positioned, upward facing angle.

Always carry extra batteries. Digital cameras rely solely on having batteries to operate. If the camera itself has a special battery that can only be bought from the manufacturer, then it would be worthwhile in investing in one of these proprietary battery packs. You don’t want to be in the situation where you missed the perfect shot because your battery was flat.

A tripod is a perfect way to lend stability to an otherwise shaky photographer. It is natural that you may not be able to hold the camera absolutely steady. In cases like this, you will be left with blurred or fuzzy pictures due to ‘camera shake’. In order to minimize the fuzzy pictures, invest in a tripod. Once a camera is mounted on a tripod, you can take crisp, clear photographs with minimal camera shake.

If there is one feature that makes digital photography stand out from traditional photography, it is the photo review feature. This feature allows you to examine the picture you took a few seconds ago to determine if it is exactly what you wanted. If it isn’t, then you can simply delete the photograph that you are not happy with and take another.

Make sure that you adjust your flash appropriately for the occasion when you take pictures. For example, indoor or night photographs will more likely require the use of a flash to properly illuminate the subject. It is not uncommon to have professional photographers using the flash even for daytime, outdoor photography. This is known as ‘fill-flash’ and if used properly, can add great dimension to an outdoor photograph.

You can gain more knowledge at Profitable Photography Business. It’s dedicated to coaching you in starting your own photography business but places a strong emphasis on profitability issues & guidelines. You can also gain many photography resources (some free) from Photography Equipment & Resources
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